United States of America
Last Login: |
General | Wasting time. |
Music | I love 2000's eurodance music. Oh and contemporary rock. |
Movies | WALL-E (2008), Click (2006), Bee Movie (2007) |
Television | South Park (Piracy, yay!) |
Games | Splatoon (I suck lol), Animal Crossing, Mario Kart. |
Heroes | Li'l Judd, John WiiLink24 |
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About me:
Hi, I'm a huge technology enthusiast from Kansas! I used to be Tom Nook in Myspace93 but you all know what happened. Anyways I like figuring out software and one day hope I can make my own stuff. I'm very observant in that kind of stuff so I can probably help in a few things. I am now going into college to study more technological crap. Anyhoo, I hope you have a nice day/night and say hello to me.
If you want, my Discord is liljuddgomew.
That's all.
Who I'd like to meet:
Pretty much anyone who shares my interests! However, I can be very anxious so I may be a bit hard to approach. :((((
yoshiwasinnocent's Friends
yoshiwasinnocent has 17 friends.
its been over a year and that "friend" cut me off |
SEP64 Productions
hi its me back |
it's been 10 months and i can still confirm that this friend STILL only likes ankha for NSFW |
the end of an era |
RIP 3ds and wii u eshop |
i eat cement |
i ate a shoebox |
dead site xd |
nintendo stop disconnecting me from splatoon 3 |
your doctor
hi from my laptop |
help one of my friends only likes ankha for that stupid video |
SEP64 Productions
Mario |
Thx 4 the add!! |