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pyroclasticDusk's avatar

Oscilloscopic Symphony

18 years old

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pyroclasticDusk's interests
General Coding, Writing, Thinking
Music PRS | TMBG | Lifeformed | BOC | Atronach's Aura | Neil Cic | Justice | BIG DATA | plenka | priroda | heXic HD (urbex?)
Games hendecad, Stardew, heXic HD, MYST, Castle Crashers, Noita, ROR2, The Stanley Parable, MC, Astroneer, Terraria
Books lots. maybe later ill fill this one out
Heroes Fred Hampton

post-holiday theme

no more weird eye-straining paleblue-nucleargreen-vibrantred christmas style thing, now we have a mellow and admittedly a little edgy "formless" theme, packed to the brim with far too much music in the theme loader. if you are one of the few people who have figured out how to work that miniprogram thing, id recommend listening to some of the tracks. tho they aren't exactly uniquely memorable, they contribute to the atmosphere and overall theme...

also i added several iframes/links to look at under the '>Looking for something to do ?' dropdown. sorry if they lag out your computer, im aware not everybody has the hardware to handle so much on one page...

oh yeah. sorry for poor text contrast on my page as a whole, though i have fixed it here.
