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pyroclasticDusk's avatar

Oscilloscopic Symphony

18 years old

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pyroclasticDusk's interests
General Coding, Writing, Thinking
Music PRS | TMBG | Lifeformed | BOC | Atronach's Aura | Neil Cic | Justice | BIG DATA | plenka | priroda | heXic HD (urbex?)
Games hendecad, Stardew, heXic HD, MYST, Castle Crashers, Noita, ROR2, The Stanley Parable, MC, Astroneer, Terraria
Books lots. maybe later ill fill this one out
Heroes Fred Hampton


made the theme loader v4
check it out its on my profile under the relevant dropdown
speaking of which, i got those smoothly animated. yay

to do next:
-make halloween theme (find music for it mostly. the colors will be the easy part) ☑
-write a self description 1
-think of more things to make a blog about

ilikebreadtoomuch's avatar

you posted this 4 times?