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pyroclasticDusk's avatar

Oscilloscopic Symphony

18 years old

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pyroclasticDusk's interests
General Coding, Writing, Thinking
Music PRS | TMBG | Lifeformed | BOC | Atronach's Aura | Neil Cic | Justice | BIG DATA | plenka | priroda | heXic HD (urbex?)
Games hendecad, Stardew, heXic HD, MYST, Castle Crashers, Noita, ROR2, The Stanley Parable, MC, Astroneer, Terraria
Books lots. maybe later ill fill this one out
Heroes Fred Hampton

my ambitions for themeloader script v4

  • a way to tell when the importer is running or not (script side)
  • a new, cleaner looking way to select themes (client side)
  • a way to see a preview of a theme's colors (script side)
  • better documentation (server side)
  • update existing themes and remove backwards compatibility for the old style of music loading, therefore fixing some issues and reducing script clutter

the end product will hopefully look something like this:

pyroclasticDusk's avatar

i made it :D