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pyroclasticDusk's avatar

Oscilloscopic Symphony

18 years old

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pyroclasticDusk's interests
General Coding, Writing, Thinking
Music PRS | TMBG | Lifeformed | BOC | Atronach's Aura | Neil Cic | Justice | BIG DATA | plenka | priroda | heXic HD (urbex?)
Games hendecad, Stardew, heXic HD, MYST, Castle Crashers, Noita, ROR2, The Stanley Parable, MC, Astroneer, Terraria
Books lots. maybe later ill fill this one out
Heroes Fred Hampton

new theme coming soon

view it early if you can figure out how to use the theme loader.

also, made some tweaks to my css. blog css should be fixed, contact buttons shouldnt be weird.

also also, now you can change the song with the new theme loader v2. check it out if you have the time and prowess. (find it and an explanation of how it works in the txt documentation because i haven't figured out how to link it directly... i dont think im supposed to either)

Theme loader docs
(UGLY raw txt... id make some markup or html for it, but theoretically that could hold malicious code. at least the html could. if you're worried about that kind of thing. def not using that as an excuse for my laziness.)
