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Abby Mortillaro

Abby Mortillaro's avatar

Be true to yourself.

Finamab (she/her)
42 years old
United States of America

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View: Profile | Blog

Abby Mortillaro's interests
Music pop, rock, rap, emo, punk, goth, disco, rnb,
Movies comedy, horror, romance,
Games Cities Skylines II,
Heroes Wonder Woman & Superman
My name is
I am
babe, bimbo, bisexual, bitch, chick, different, drama queen, feminine, femme, femme-liking, femme-loving, femmy, finamab, freak, gender different, gender expressive, gender fluid, genderqueer, gentlewoman, girly, gurl, hippie, hippychick, human, individual, LGBTQIA, Miss, Ms., ma'am, madam, male-assigned, male-bodied, male-born, man-loving, me, misrepresented, misunderstood, multifacetted, new woman, pansexual, person, pomosexual, queen, queer, queer femme, radical, same gender loving, self-defined, she-bitch, showgirl, skank, slut, strange, trans, undeclared, unique, unspecified, woman, woman-loving, womon, womon-loving, womyn, womyn-loving
Who are you?

There are 9 genders.

The 9 genders are...

Finafab: Cis-woman/girl.

Minamab: Cis-man/boy.

Finamab: Someone assigned male at birth that identifies as a woman/girl.

Minafab: Someone assigned female at birth that identifies as a man/boy.

Enbyafab: A non-binary person assigned female at birth.

Enbyamab: A non-binary person assigned male at birth.

Finaiab: Intersex woman/girl.

Minaiab: Intersex man/boy.

Enbyaiab: Intersex non-binary.

Everyone is one of these 9 genders.
