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Alien,Feur_O_o's avatar

HI HUMAAANNNS!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-

14 years old

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Alien,Feur_O_o's interests
General World dominating.
Music Will Wood, Tally Hall, Miracle Musical... Etc, etc!
Movies Ponyo | Studio Ghibli (2008)
Television Steven Universe, South Park, Popee the performer.
Games Little Nightmares, DDLC, Limbus Company, and more!
Books Howl's Moving Castle | Diana Wynne Jones

You're here?
Well, Thanks for passing to look at this! Really, really! Thank you so much! I hope you're having a nice day, night or evening. Please drink water and eat well!! (¯ ³¯)♡


I was looking here in damedanespace because... Yeah! And I said to myself, 'It's really sad that this place is dead... But, maybe I could post some draws, only for fun?' (I'm not really looking for someone to compliments my draws, I just like to share them with people!) But, I saw that, apparently, I can't put photos...

If someone reads this, is there... Any way to put photos? T_T
