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A.Random_Dude's avatar

If you sad, drink pepsi

male he/him
15 years old

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A.Random_Dude's interests
General source engine ragdolls, videogames, animations, music, football and cats
Music Tally Hall, Roar, Jack Stauber, TV Girl
Movies Inside Man (2006) i fucking love it
Television Evangelion, Stranger Things , Rick & Morty, Inside job, Bojack Horseman and Peaky Blinders
Games Half-Life (Opposing force and HL2 E2 are my favorites), Portal, TF2, Counter-Strike(source is my favorite one) basicly any Valve game, and War Thunder ( the snail is watching)
Books El Centinela del Jardín
Heroes Pepsi Man, Ross Federman, and Gordon Freeman.

Source Engine, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, music and pepsi

I HAVE PEPSI!!1!!11!!111!!!!

today i found money on the street so i bought a 2,25L bottle of pepsi and i drank it all in 3 hours
so i technically have no more pepsi now but that will help mi abstinence for 2 days i think

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      '--------------------'   that's what i drink.
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cock is better

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