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13 years old

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death_by_penis's interests
General Thinking and not doing
Music Your Favorite Martian
Movies The Martian
Television Butt Ugly Martians
Games Martian Gothic: Unification
Books The Martian Chronicles
Heroes Francis E. Dec
this image is from the Wayback Machine so it might not load these images are from the Wayback Machine so they may or may not load quickly or at all

We've got Phoenix Wright 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and go hands-on with both the PS3 and the Wii! Watch!

amazing free stuffcrazyfrogchrmevilcuteanimegirlsidamedanebeabutfirefoxnowkys_nowffmpeg
#pizza gang

Spewing OUt Words

I've decided to possibly start writing more shit because it's something I want to get used to doing in order to not totally suck at English.
I recently beat a GTA game for the first time in my life, which was GTA III, and it ended up effecting my music taste way more than Vice City and San Andreas did. MSX, Rise, and K-Jah were stations I was expecting myself to skip in order to listen to the 80's station instead, but they ended up being my favorite stations in the entire franchise (of the games I've played in the franchise so far). Double Clef FM is also good, but the version of that in Liberty City Stories is way cooler.
I don't know what else to say other than the people I've seen who put MSX and Rise at F tier in their GTA radio station tier lists have probably only played GTA III for 2 seconds before quitting because not being able to swim or bail out of moving vehicles is too much for their GTA V addled baby brains to comprehend. I beat the PS2 version which plays like Max Payne with Ocarina of Time controls and it wasn't that hard. It's a really decent game.
6.4/10 on the potatometer IMO
If I get a decent PCem img made I'll probably play through GTA 2. I have the PSX version but my disc is smudged like crazy. The last time I played it, my game crashed in the middle of a mission and it pissed me off.
