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1024x2's avatar

Dame Da Ne!

17 years old

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1024x2's interests
General Being a dumbass, Writing bad code, Shitposting
Television dont have a tv loicense mate
Games the one where go Bing Bing Waho !!! Its a me mario wahoo bing bing
Heroes Marisa Kirisame, Big Chungus, Dame Da Ne Guy

dead site lol???? No.

ok so for about the past year i basically lost all interest in adding new features to this site
but recently i've started working on this site again and i mainly want to clean up things (both on the frontend and backend) and make things less confusing

here's a few things i've been working on:

  • comments now show up for you while they haven't been approved yet instead of just disappearing until they've been approved
    • they also show up when you're checking your own page:
      "This comment is pending review" on a user page
    • the label is so new users understand what's going on instead of having all their comments disappear until they're approved (along with a fqa section about comment approval)
  • comments that got auto-approved also now show up on the "New Comments" page
    • this makes comments on your blogs now actually visible instead of it being a guessing game
      On your blog test
  • the "auto-approve" checkbox settings has been replaced with a more complex system
    • basically you can allow comments from anyone now
      Two dropdown boxes labelled "Allow comments from" and "Auto-approve comments from"
      this is the current ui for it, the dropdowns let you pick "Everyone", "My Friends", or "Myself"

these features have not been pushed yet, but i could push them now if people want them.

here's other some things i've been thinking of adding:

  • private/friends-only blogs
    • so you can preview your blogs before posting them
    • there could also be another option that only makes it now show up on News
  • revive the css editor i was working on months ago
    • currently it works via a popup containing a CSS editor that updates in realtime
    • much easier to use than having to recheck your page constantly (or using your browser's devtools)
  • REST api for developers
    • a unfinished version of this is currently in the rework branch and it allows you to make a "Sign in with DameDaNeSpace" button but not much else
    • i could probably add more features such as reading/writing comments, blogs, etc.
    • not sure if this could be abused though
  • windows93 trollbox clone
    • why not. i already copied myspace93 so

if anyone has any more ideas for things to add to this site please tell me and i'll consider them

Ponali.'s avatar

uhh do you think it has died again

BING OF BATS's avatar


Hugo_nax's avatar

hi hi hiii can we have more htmlllll

zzzzz's avatar

ooo i rlly liek the priv / friends only blog,,, i think it sthe only thing i feel strongly abt tho xd.. good job on this tho i rlly like it hahhs

1024x2's avatar

i was thinking of adding an tag-based interest search system that lets you see users with similar interests

SafeInSanity's avatar

Nice job! ...those are some cool features.

How about a more advanced member search that we can search for other members by age and interests. Maybe let us add searchable tags for our intetests?