Wwow cool website update dumbass
- website times now in your timezone (if your browser doesn't suck)
- sandbox iframes (prevents random downloads from happening)
- fixed game_music_emu not looping songs (SPCs should loop properly now i think)
- don't show "new friends" if you're accepting the friend request
- show "new comments" notification if you recieve a new comments and have auto-accept on
- added a new field below your music and interests, lets you properly use an iframe for a background
- bumped maximum css style size to 262,144 characters. (it's a power of 2. Yipee!)
- fix damedanespace only checking the first 72 chars of a password (Yes, I am an idiot. I'm sorry. just relogin and it'll "fix" your password, it's not like your password was that long anyway)
- Added memorial banner in honor of the late Big Ben (1859-2022).
- gave ilikebreadtoomuch and ziad87 admin permissions
please let me know if the website sets your computer on fire
thats all thank yuo bye