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Vinyl.0x's avatar

Good food, good music, good vibes

☆He ☆him ☆his
15 years old
United States of America

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Vinyl.0x's interests
Music Mitski, Alex G, Starry cat, Dandelion hands, Teen suicide
Movies Good Will Hunting (1997) Dead Poet Society (1989)
Books Sparrow by Sarah Moon, Pax by Sara Pennypacker, No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai


I was a child with a filthy word on my tongue.
One wrong move and it slipped.
The last 7 years have been gagging on that word slipping down my throat.
Heaving. Weeping. Around that jagged pill.
On dark nights the gagging tapes my eyes open and says, "Look at yourself."
It scolds and burns and screams but still it stays clawing at my gut.
I was a child with a filthy word on my tongue and it sprouted.
My hands never stop.
These stories come into my mind unbidden, delivered too many words a minute.
It's sick. Sick. Sick.
I was a child with a filthy word on my tongue.
